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Aesthetic handiwork in the midst of Quandary

Since there's only so much cleaning that's realistic in my household of now 4 indoor/outdoor cats; (I don't tend to be anal in that arena anyway, just picked up & tidy); I had to find a way to occupy my mind & time during this longest stretch of viable employment searching that I've ever had in many years of working throughout several US states. . . . Alas . . . in seeing the copious wonderful scattered perennials that the former property owner had planted on the 1.89 acres along with eastern ornamental plants that have unfortunately since been engulfed by Main's natural flora; I decided to bring several in closer to the house in an area otherwise barren & weed stamped. I'd also brought Michigan transplant gifts from my sister, Nancy's gardening, as well, along with guardian angel cuttings from the roadside of a former Sunday School teacher's home to add to my project. The biggest plus is that the area is a nice focal point from the kitchen windows; which every woman can appreciate since that room tends to be a hub of her activities. Without before & after pictures . . . . you'll just have to accept my word that the ground had very sparse growth other than tree roots & weeds. Lupine seeds & plants were likewise brought in from fields, but to no avail as they didn't grow & imported seeds from the Peoples Republic of China were sown too yet never took root either. A brilliant teacher once told a story about planting seeds used as an illustration for teaching & planting productive, conscientious, ethical community minded people. The theme is reflecting on the Sower or Teacher & 4 types of soil or soul/heart/will conditions that the seeds or words are being planted into. I liked the parable so I'll include it today. . . By the way, I determined upon reading the passage that I'd be the 4th type of soil for what I considered to be valid Truth. The story has the Sower/Teacher sowing information into 4 kinds of garden minds. They are: 1. Some seeds/words are eaten instead by the fowls of the air leaving the hearer as they were to begin with. 2. Some fall onto stony ground, grow quickly, but then die just as quickly since there's no depth to nourish them & the message can't endure. 3. Others fall among thorns, grow a bit, but then are choked off by flourishing, creeping, spindly vines of concerns, habits, or distractions that overwhelm, obstruct, & strangle them. 4. Last are the seeds/words that fall onto fertile ground/minds, delivering a massive return to the sower/teacher sowing seeds of a truly effective, valuable, informative message. What are you planting in your gardens?

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